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Tap-to-Share and Text Link Generator

Young African American woman in denim shirt reading a text to share

Tap-to-Share and Text Link Generator

Create a link that makes it easy for subscribers to serve as your brand advocates.
Create Your Custom Tap-to-Share Link

The Power of Tap-to-Share and Text Link
Young Indian woman sharing a text message via the tap to share and text functionality

Convenient for Existing Subscribers

With our tap-to-share and text link technology on mobile, existing subscribers simply tap the link within your text campaign that loads a pre-populated text message on their device. Then, they add their contacts to share the message with and tap “send” to entice others to sign up for your text club or to follow your social media pages. This is not only a great way to grow your text list but also to boost social media followers. 

Take Advantage of Loyal Customers and Subscribers

As you get into the routine of sending out Google review text messages, you can track those customers who had a positive experience with you and segment them into a group. 

This group includes your loyal customers and brand advocates who are most likely to help promote your business. 

Implementing Your Tap-to-Share and Text Link

Write the default text you want your subscribers to share.

In the "SMS Body Message" blank, type the exact message you want your text subscribers to send to their contacts via text. This might even include your text club opt-in link. You can generate your opt-in link with our easy-to-use opt-in link generator tool.  

Generate your custom link.

Click on the "Generate Link" button. 

Shorten your custom link.

Paste your copied link into Age Texting's built-in URL shortening tool or any link shortener to make it look more appealing in a text message. 

Send a test message.

Send a preview text message to yourself or to a test group to make sure the tap-to-text and share functionality works as it should and that there are no typos. 

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